132 Spitfire
Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron
We are no longer accepting applications into 132 Spitfire SQN for the 2024 - 2025 Training year. We have reached our maximum capacity.
Nov 30, 2024
Any online applications completed outside of August 4, 2025 - August 18, 2025 will not be accepted. Once your application is processed, a member of the 132 Spitfire team will contact you via email with next steps. Please note if you are transferring from another squadron or element please email info@132spitfire.org an online application is not required for transfers.
Application Steps:
Between August 4, 2025 - August 18, 2025 complete an online application on the Government of Canada Website linked here.
Reminders for application:
Applicant must be a minimum of 12 years old at the time of application.
Under Health Insurance Plan please select Public and enter Health Card Information.
Please ensure all details on the application are accurate to the best of your knowledge.
You will receive an automated email and your application will be submitted to 132 Spitfire. Automated email may identify additional steps, please do not action until you are contacted.
A member of the 132 Spitfire team will contact you via email with details on regarding our in-person information session. You must attend this session in order to complete your application.
Once you have enrolled successfully you will be provided information on Training Nights and start the training year.
40th Annual Cadet Review and Change of Command
10 Jun 2023
That's all, folks!
132 has wrapped up another successful training year and will be standing down for the summer.
We bid farewell to Capt Yee as Capt Pershad steps in as the Commanding Officer of 132 Spitfire RCACS.
Job well done on our first in-person ACR in 3 years!
132 Spitfire Fall Hike
19 Nov 2022
The 132 Spitfire Fall Hike will occur on the following date:
Sat Nov 26 9:30am to 01:00 pm
Location for the Hike is on Google Classroom
*Transportation to and from the location is a parental responsibility*
Inaugural Ontario Cadets Week: October 1st to 7th, 2022
1 Oct 2022
Job well done to the Brampton Tri-service band who participated in the parade at Queens Park to start off Ontario Cadets Week! 132 Spitfire made up 7 out of the 28 band cadets in attendance.
The three Cadet programs of Ontario, Army, Navy and Air, plus the Navy League Cadet Program, will be recognized annually across the province of Ontario to “honour the outstanding young Canadians whose unique personal and collective development through cadet programs will help them be successful in Canadian society, as well as recognizing those who support the programs directly and indirectly.”
End of the training year!
31 May 2022
May 25, 2022 marked the LAST official night of training for 132 Spitfire for the 2021-2022 training year. Congratulations to all for another successful year!
Stay tuned for more details regarding our end of year review!
132 Spitfire Spring Clean-Up
20 April 2022
The 132 Spitfire Spring Clean-Up will occur on the following date:
Sun April 24 9:30am to 11:30 am
*Transportation to and from the location is a parental responsibility*
Guest Speaker: Mr. Drohn Bhandari, Medevac Pilot
20 January 2022
We are pleased to (re)introduce Mr. Drohn Bhandri to 132 on Feb 2 as a virtual guest speaker. Calling in from Thunder Bay ON, Mr. Bhandari will be sharing his experiences as former Air Cadet of 132 Spitfire, and his journey to becoming a medevac pilot for ORNGE. For those of you who are interested in the aviation industry, Mr. Bhandari will share with you education options and career prospects.
All cadets are invited to this event as it will take place during regular Wednesday night training, Feb 2.
Reporting Absences (or late arrivals)
16 October 2021
If you are going to be absent, we require a minimum of 24 hours notice. Emergency situations are exempt from this rule.
End of 2020-2021 Training Year
09 June 2021
Congratulations 132 on a successful virtual training year! I'm sure we can use a break from the screen time but keep an eye out for the virtual ACR that will be released on June 16, 2021.
Take care, stay safe and have an awesome summer, 132!
Guest Speaker: Lieutenant A. Adebayo, Computer Engineer
25 April 2021
On Wednesday April 28, 132 will be welcoming Lieutenant Aromi Adebayo, Red Team Troop Commander at the Canadian Forces Network Operations Centre (CFNOC) as our guest speaker for April. He is an accomplished computer engineer, CAF officer AND a former 132 air cadet. He will be speaking to the level 1 and 2 cadets about his journey, what he does in the CAF and valuable lessons for success.
This will be a great opportunity for aspiring computer engineers and CAF members alike.
If any level 3 or 4 cadets wish to attend this event, email info@132spitfire.org for more information.
Guest Speaker:
Captain J. Tsang, Aerospace Engineer
4 Feb 2021
On Thursday February 18, we will be welcoming Captain Jason Tsang from Ottawa, to be a guest speaker on our Zoom training night. He is a former Royal Canadian Air Cadet and we are excited to have him share his experiences as an RMC grad and RCAF aerospace engineer.
All level 3 and 4 cadets will be automatically registered for this event (Zoom link will be shared on Thurs Feb 11).
Level 1 and 2 cadets are welcome to join by filling out the Google Form on your Google Classroom. Zoom link will be sent to the email used to complete the form.
Cadet Activity Program (CAP) - March Break 2021
13 Jan 2021
This is a great opportunity for cadets to be engaged during the March Break. See poster for more info. Level 1 and 2 cadets are strongly encouraged to register!
Interested cadets must email info@132spitfire.org no later than Saturday January 16, 2021. Include your rank and name.
*Activities will be conducted in line with COVID safety protocols. If the situation does not permit in-person activities, online activities will be provided.
Guest Speaker:
Captain J. Catania, F-18 Hornet Pilot
6 Jan 2021
On Wednesday January 27, we will be welcoming Captain Justin Catania from 419 Squadron Cold Lake, to be a guest speaker. He is a former WO1 of 132 Spitfire RCACS and we are looking forward to having him share his experiences as an accomplished pilot in the RCAF.
All level 1 and 2 cadets will be automatically registered for this event (Zoom link will be shared on Wed Jan 20).
Level 3 and 4 cadets may be permitted to join if there is space. Email info@132spitfire.org to complete the Google form.